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Editor’s Note: The report, video and images below were provided by an SGA staff member in Ukraine.

Here is another ministry report from SGA’s Senior Vice President of Ministry Operations, Eric Mock, while on a recent trip to Ukraine:

I visited an aid distribution center of Irpen Bible Church outside of Bucha to hear the stories of many who endured threats of death, famine, thirst, seeing others killed, and have lost most everything. It is here where the Gospel is preached, the Bread of Life extended and tasty bread given to the hungry in spirit and body.

They all spoke of their gratefulness to God for the Americans for standing with them, for those that gave aid through SGA and for our prayers. Please do keep praying for them and assisting with the needs.

I cannot express how difficult it is right now. Yet through Christ, the peace that passes all understanding is always with those who believe, who fix their eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-12).

Here is a short video of Eric sharing a special message . . .

SGA-supported Pastor Alexander spoke to the people gathered as well. At the end, you’ll hear words of gratitude from the people for you . . .

From the Pastor:

Again, it is just a miracle that we do not endure rocket attacks here now

Thank God!

My family has already used to it somehow. I remember, when the air raids started back then, my daughter was so scared, that she did not want to go outdoors, and had panic fear. Now, we are getting used to the war, air alerts are becoming the norm, explosions continue, but we continue our gatherings Remember, when we once even canceled a meeting because of the rocket fire?

Now we have no obstacles, and we are no more in danger, and we can freely come and see each other. [Scripture] Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear; in the end they will look in triumph over their enemies.

Who do you think it is written about?


Yes, and whose hearts are secure?


More specifically, who stands for us?

It says about our hearts, but God gives security.

From the People:

Woman:  We are very grateful to you for these beautiful words and for your help! Thank you for everything. We are hopeful for the better, with your help. May God keep you and thank you again for everything!

Man:  We are thankful to the people of the United States of America! Thank you for your help, thank you so very much! In God we trust!

(in unison) Thank you!

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.  

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.

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