Our storyteller, Alma, shares with us in the story below that God was continually knocking on the door of Sergei’s heart. It began at an SGA-supported summer camp in his earlier years, and then continued into his college days and young adulthood.
Finally, the door was opened! God touched his heart through the words of a brother preaching about the urgency of knowing Christ. Praise God that Sergei’s heart finally softened to the loving forgiveness of his Savior.
“My name is Sergei, and I am from the west of Kazakhstan. I was born in an unbelieving family. My parents were alcohol addicts and died before my adulthood. Once I was invited by Christians to the summer camp. It was my first meeting with Christians. I heard a lot about God but didn’t want to be with Him. I was evicted from my apartment and moved to the college dorm. I was continuing visiting services and listening to God’s Word, but still didn’t want to repent and accept God. After graduating college, brothers from the church offered for me to move to the church (to live there). God spoke to me a lot of times, but I still didn’t accept him.
Finally, in 2015 during one of the youth meetings, God did touch my heart. One brother from another city preached and said that ‘There may not be a next chance, maybe God is calling you for the last time. We don’t know when our life can end.’ These words really impacted me. Then I repented and God forgave me. One year later I was baptized.
I began to pray about my own apartment. God blessed me a lot through brothers and sisters. God showed me many miracles and is continuing to do it. God gave me a family too. I got married and we have a daughter. I preach at service and help in other ministries as well. I am very happy to be with God!”