Anatoly S.
SGA-Supported Missionary Pastor in Russia’s Lipetsk Region
In the past year, we prepared a Christian outreach for local children. The main purpose was to help them get acquainted with God and His plan of salvation. The basis for the event was the history of Joseph, the son of Jacob. As we explained the Bible’s account to the children, the central events of the story happened in Egypt, where Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery. The main theme was “To Remain Faithful.”
We taught the children how Joseph remained faithful to God despite the betrayal of his brothers, the misunderstanding of his parents, slavery, deceit, prison, and even after assuming a high position in the government of Egypt. Joseph was always faithful to God! God blessed us in a special way with this ministry to children. There were 162 children from the ages of 7 to 13 who took part in the outreach. They came from the Lipetsk region, as well as from the Voronezh, Belgorod, and Tambov regions. Bible classes were the basis and we pray, asking the Lord for the opportunity to have a similar outreach again this year!
A large team from our church believers took part in the Festival of Music and Word held in Bryansk in late July of 2022. People from all parts of Russia, and even abroad, come here. When you see so many people of God, you become filled with the thought that you are in another world!
Joyful faces, warm greetings—all these touch us, and we felt the tears running down our faces. The Lord planned this event for us, gave us the time and strength to attend fellowship, and become strengthened by His Word, which was proclaimed with the power of the Holy Spirit. The brothers boldly shared His Word, and we had a sense of renewal—full spiritual life in Christ, and life for God! Our young people were profoundly exhorted. The program included question and answer sessions. It took our breath away when we listened to the singing of the choirs. Orchestras played wonderfully. Musicians did their best to be prepared for this event. The children’s choir from Sunday schools sang in the morning. The choir consisted of many children! Sunday school children glorified the Lord with their singing, and we felt inspired and deeply touched, and rejoiced. We have a new generation, which will take our places should the Lord tarry in His coming!
We celebrated Harvest Day in the church of the Living Word in Usman in late August. The choir was the first to open the solemn worship service. I preached about the meaning of the Harvest Day—Scripture talks about the work of the farmer as an example of diligent work for each Christian, the life of whom is crowned with spiritual fruit for eternity. I also visited churches and preached in: Dankov, Lipetsk, Leo-Tolstoy village, and Khlevnoye.
Please pray for continued wisdom and health, for more helpers in the ministry here, for funds to carry out more ministry, and our family. I thank you for your support of my ministry. The Lord blesses us and takes care of our family, children, and grandchildren! Glory be to Him!