God Rearranges Schedules for His Perfect Timing

Mikhail T.
SGA-Supported Missionary Pastor in Far East Russia

His ways are so much greater than ours! We can often feel so frustrated and so very small when our earthly plans are thwarted, but in that frustration, God can show Himself to be very big! He intends the greater blessing and works all things out for His good purposes and His glory! He brings people together in His ways and His timing. Join me in praising God for His sovereignty in the testimony I’m about to share.

Mikhail and his wife flying to the remote village.

God-Ordained Change of Plans

A door opened to organize a children’s summer program in a remote village, accessible only by aircraft. In making plans on where to host the program, we contacted the director of the local school in the village and asked for permission to use the school building. The director agreed, but on one condition: she had to be present and oversee the event in person. Unfortunately, the director had already made vacation plans and was scheduled to leave the village before the date of the program. Slightly disappointed, we made arrangements to hold the program at another location in a rundown club house.

Unknown to us at the time, God had other plans for us and for the director of the school. Upon our arrival at the village, which was delayed by a couple of days due to weather, we came to the place of our lodging. To our great surprise, the director of the school met us at the lodge as we drove up. She explained that because of poor weather conditions the scheduled helicopter (the only means of transportation in and out of the village) had not come for the last two weeks, and she was not able to leave as planned. She invited us to hold the outreach at the school, and after seeing the condition of the club house, we gladly agreed!

The program was attended by many children and

God is Sovereign Over Schedules

The three-day ministry was attended by most of the children in this difficult-to-reach village on Russia’s Far East shores. Besides the children, some of the adults in the villages also attended the event along with the director of the school (who brought her daughter and granddaughter). The members of our team had many good conversations with the director, explaining who we are, why we do what we do, and she joyfully received a Bible as a gift. Many of the kids and adults whom we met asked when we would return, and asked us to come back.

The day after the outreach concluded, we were packing up to fly home. In God’s providence and joy of many in the village, the helicopter finally arrived, and the school director along with her family departed for her long-awaited vacation. God not only opened the door for ministry in this village, but He also orchestrated the details of the summer outreach, and allowed us to meet the school director and her family. We didn’t say this to the director, but we suspect that we were the reason the scheduled helicopter didn’t come for several weeks!

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