Editor’s Note: The images and report below were provided by an SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine.
Some of the heroes of the faith we continue to pray for during the Ukraine war are members of our Orphans Reborn team. Children without parents — whether they have lost their lives in the conflict or are unable to be caretakers due to poverty, addiction, or other difficulties — greatly need to know they matter and are valued. With the uncertainties of war, these vulnerable orphans are suffering new waves of fear and doubt and need to be reassured that their Heavenly Father still cares for them (1 Peter 5:7).
As you read excerpts from Pastor Vasily’s recent report below, please pray for him and the ongoing Orphans Reborn outreaches that continue across Ukraine. May God strengthen him and his team as they faithfully serve and disciple at-risk girls and boys . . .
As I reported to you earlier, most of the orphanages where our missionaries served, have evacuated, as were some of our missionaries. Those who continue actively ministering are the missionaries in [three regions], and now [a fourth region], where a missionary named Sasha has joined in. Their church building has been returned to them and they are able to continue their ministries. Sasha gathers children from the surrounding villages, holds Bible classes and, provides food for the children, together with Maria.
Region #1— The orphanage has evacuated, and according to Yuriy, they help the displaced and local people in their region. We continue our ministry depending on the circumstances. We keep in mind that there is a war going on and we need to be careful. The last time our group gathered on Easter (but I have already written about this before). Later I delivered food packages from SGA and was able to have conversation with the kids. The other delivery was last week. In addition, I am in constant communication with the children on the phone, and if necessary, support financially.
We plan to hold a summer camp under SGA support for 100 children during the daytime with lunch. The team of the camp meets regularly on organizing matters and program, so the work is in full swing. We ask for your prayer support, which we need very much.
Region #2 —Vladimir continues to minister to those in need. They hold meetings with families that found themselves in difficulties, where they communicate to people on a personal level about the Light of God’s Truth. Moreover, together with the [health development center] they hold meetings for children and parents of the displaced families from other places of Ukraine. They run interesting quests, games, and contests. They also devote time to the Word of God, where they preach about God’s steadfast and unfailing love for each of them, making it accessible for an adult and a child. Vladimir is sincerely grateful to you for your support and prayers.
Region #3 — Brother Vladimir is actively ministering, serving in an orphanage, leading a group of orphanage graduates. In western Ukraine, the situation is relatively quiet, although they suffer occasional rocket attacks. They plan to run a camp in late August — early September.
Region #4 — An active phase of hostilities takes places there, and there is no connection with missionaries; neither I nor Ruslan could get through.
No matter what, we try to keep serving. Thank you so much for supporting us financially so that we can help those who really need it. We are sincerely grateful to all SGA employees and sponsors for your love for us. We pray for you!
Vasily Z.
In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.
Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.