Editor’s Note: The images below were provided by an SGA-supported church in Ukraine.
As more Ukrainian people are displaced from their homes in Ukraine, the needs are increasing in the cities welcoming them in. SGA-supported Pastor Oleg shares in his recent report how his congregation is working diligently to provide “necessary things,” as well as share the hope of the Gospel.
Please pray with Pastor Oleg that God will supply for their ministry of mercy to hurting people . . .
Dear brothers and sisters,
Peace be to you! While I am writing these words to you, I am crying. We have got the news that the commander of [a regional brigade] had been killed. My Anya’s brother serves in this brigade. It is very difficult to write when there is so much grief around. They don’t tell and show much in the news. We began to cherish every peaceful day very much. When food was distributed to refugees in the church today, one pregnant woman said she was glad to see the sun shining. When she was escaping from [a Ukrainian city], she could hardly have given birth to a baby twice.
We continue to serve the replaced ones. There are a lot of needs. More than 700 refugees have been registered in [our city] alone. It’s good if people come to visit relatives, but there are those who need both bread, and utensils, which are not available where they live now. We try to prepare necessary things every day for the people who come with different needs. These are food, hygiene products, diapers, blankets, mattresses. But the most important thing, especially today, to talk to people, give them hope, and even just listen to them. On the last Sunday, there were people from [different Ukrainian cities and regions] at the service. Praise God, in our area we have had almost heavenly conditions. Because if people can walk with children in the open air – it’s great! It’s great we can see neither the bodies of children or empty strollers, but hear the lively and loud laughter and see happy children. For many people these are heavenly conditions.
From the very first days, we started transporting mothers and children, elderly people to the border with Poland using two cars. But it turned out that my car could not stand such frequent trips. On one of the trips, on the way home, the temperature of the engine began to rise. It happened in Lvov. But praise God, we were able to get home! A day later, a mechanic said that the repair would cost [a large amount]. We had to hire a special vehicle to transport car home. One trip by van [is expensive]. It would be great to have a van at the church, the trip would cost [less]. We pray for an opportunity to have a van at the church to serve the refugees, as well as to deliver food and other things and conduct the ministry during the war.
We are grateful to God that there is an opportunity to perform the ministry of mercy at the time of war. There is a great need for this. My co-worker brothers from 7 different churches who are involved in the ministry of mercy accepted the news with joy and gratitude to God that there would be an opportunity to continue serving with the help of food packages.
Two days ago, I met with the mayor of the town where I live. When I was at school, his wife was my teacher. We talked about the need of organizing a hostel for 50-70 refugees on the basis of [this school]. This school does not have a public water supply. In the past they used a school well to prepare meals for the students once a day. They also have to have at least 2 shower rooms for refugees. They addressed our church with a request to help with this need. In order to provide the school with enough water, and the opportunity to cook three meals a day, a special well is needed. It costs [a great deal] to make a well and connect it to the town water supply. [It is also expensive] to build two shower rooms inside. This could be a good opportunity to serve the community, and to have more opportunities to work with the children of this school: to run camps and other evangelistic outreaches for children.
We are glad to be a part of the large SGA family and hope that the Lord will bless and provide the special needs.
In Christ,
Pastor Oleg
In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.
Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.