In late June, we received word that Boris Berezhnoi, founder and leader of the SGA-sponsored Blagovestie music group, went to be with the Lord after a battle with COVID-19. His wife Raisa also passed from the illness, and according to their family, their homegoing was only a few hours from each other.
Blagovestie means “Good News,” and the group blessed audiences on multiple continents with traditional Russian folk/Gospel music.
SGA began sponsoring Boris and Blagovestie many years ago under the presidency of Dr. Bob Provost, and we have continued the fruitful relationship through the years. Boris and the group toured in the United States to share their unique blend of traditional Russian folk, and most importantly, Gospel hymns and a strong evangelistic message. Blagovestie has toured many times across Russia and the other former Soviet countries since the end of communist rule in the early 1990s.
Winning lost men, women, and children to Christ has been their chief hearts’ desire wherever they have gone.
This is such a difficult loss for Boris and Raisa’s family, as well as the group, coming all at once like this. Please be in intercessory prayer for them, asking for God’s blessing and comfort. And join us in praise and thanksgiving to God for their extraordinary lives of service to Christ through the years.