Alexander B.
SGA-Sponsored Missionary Pastor in Belarus
I praise and thank the Lord for the opportunity to carry out our homeless ministry with your faithful support.
We had brothers from Minsk attending one of our recent meetings for homeless people. They were shocked when they walked in and saw the full hall of people. There are many other people who are afraid to come to the church, but people who come to these meetings hear the Gospel and find answers to their questions.
The brothers sang songs for the homeless people and the Gospel penetrated into their hearts. These “spiritual orphans” can find peace only in Jesus Christ. We had an instrumental ensemble and people enjoyed their music at the meeting. We start each of these services with prayer and people stand up during the prayer. They even close their eyes and we can see them whispering words. They expressed to us a lot of gratitude for the food and our Minsk guests at the meeting. They obviously enjoyed the spiritual food they received.
There was other fruit from this meeting. Some of the homeless including a man named Valery asked us to take them to the rehab center. They told us that they were tired of their lives “at the bottom.” In addition to our Minsk visitors, we had a brother from the Russian city of Krasnodar at our meeting. He shared the Word of God and the Gospel, and at the end of the meeting some homeless people repented. Praise the Lord! It is already an established tradition now that people come up to us for personal talks and counseling after the meeting.
Dear friends, each soul who comes to saving faith in Christ is the fruit of your prayers and support! All glory to God!