. . . proving to be examples to the flock (1 Peter 5:3).
In this issue of the Good News Report, we are focusing on the faithful labors of SGA-sponsored missionary pastors across Russia and her neighboring countries. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to take its toll in their regions and communities, these faithful servants of Christ and their congregations have been diligent to shine the Gospel light before their people. With your generous support and ongoing prayers, they have distributed groceries to the neediest families and provided millions of meals, all the while sharing the good news of salvation in Christ. And they have found many open doors as people are eager to hear that there is eternal hope amid such sorrow and difficulty.
I have been truly amazed as I contemplate the hand of God in all of this. Back when the pandemic first began to spread and the great needs across the former Soviet Union became evident, we realized that this was perhaps the greatest opportunity for the Gospel since the end of communist rule in 1991. Then the reports began coming in from the pastors as they traveled to distribute the food you helped provide. Men, women, and children were not only deeply thankful to receive the help, but they willingly—even eagerly—listened as salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ was lovingly shared. Many have repented, while others have had their viewpoints changed about who Christians are. And God continues His sovereign work as the days and weeks play out.
You have truly been a part of all that has been done for the glory of Christ. It is a great privilege to serve His church across the former Soviet Union, and to be partners with you for the sake of the Gospel. I can never thank you enough!
For our Savior,
Michael Johnson