Pastor Valery
SGA-Sponsored Missionary Pastor in Belarus
Summer camp ministries across Russia and her neighboring countries are found with many variations.
Some are the traditional summer children’s camp. Young boys and girls head to an actual campsite for week-long sessions. In other regions, churches must hold the camps discreetly in secret locations or in their church buildings as day camps because of opposition in their countries to evangelical ministries. Still others hold Vacation Bible School-type outreaches in their communities, which are very popular in the summer.
In Belarus, Pastor Valery’s church holds a VBS ministry in the Brest region near the Polish border. He wrote to express his thanks to SGA partners for their help in last summer’s fruitful ministry to children with physical challenges and other needy families . . .
Our Vacation Bible School camp took place at a church in Pruzhany. We ministered to teenagers with physical challenges and neighborhood children who attend our Sunday school. They all learned of God’s love, and we could see the changes in their behavior. At first, the children treated each other with no respect, but at the end of the camp they had changed and it was a blessing to see positive changes in their lives!
Many people cannot afford for their children to go to government camps or other places for recreation. The reasons vary from poverty to alcoholism. Our camp is free of charge and we are able to take the children from these families and show them the love of Jesus. The children and teenagers enjoyed the camp and received prizes and fruit in the VBS.
Lord willing, we plan to continue working with children in Pruzhany and nearby areas. God helps us in the ministry not to lose heart and continue to serve Him. We are faced with oppression in some areas but we don’t lose heart—we are in need of your prayers and continued financial help. May our God bless you for your sacrificial hearts and meet all of your needs.
Tatyana, director of a local center for handicapped children, sent this message: “With all of my heart, I thank you for the camp for our children. They wait for the camp in advance and always ask about it. The camp is the best place for the children as they feel the love and care of those who run it. We, the staff of the center, are very thankful to you for your help and care of the children.”
Please pray for the children at this special camp as they joyously return this summer!
“I like the camp. I like to be in the camp and pray with pastor for my family, and especially about my father who abused my mother physically and was addicted to alcohol. My father and mother are divorced.”
– Pavel, a boy with Down’s Syndrome
I enjoy the camp and liked everything. I learned to treat handicapped children in a kind manner. I learned about Jesus and His sympathy to sinners and bad people. And I asked God to help me and teach me to treat handicapped children with respect and be friendly with them.
– Pavel, age 9