Despite growing oppression, Orphans Reborn presents the Gospel

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With every day that passes, oppression of evangelical churches is steadily increasing across the former Soviet countries of Central Asia. Because of this, churches and individual believers must often carry out their ministries discreetly, and we rarely mention specific names or locations to protect their security.

 But as the Apostle Paul declares . . . the Word of God is not bound
(2 Timothy 2:9). We recently received a wonderful report from Oleg, who leads an SGA-sponsored Orphans Reborn team in Central Asia. As he relates, an opportunity to share the meaning of Easter and the resurrection of Jesus Christ with orphans led to an open door with their adult caregivers, who were also full of questions . . .

When we visited this orphanage at Easter, we shared the Gospel story of the Lord Jesus and His resurrection using a flannelgraph. We taught them new songs about the resurrection and gave each orphan child a small gift at the end of our program. A total of 53 children heard the Gospel that day. After we bade the children farewell, several of the adults remained behind to ask us questions about our faith and about God. Please pray for Nina, who is a math teacher. She is reading the Bible but is having a hard time. She has suffered a great deal of grief in her life and is seeking the Lord.

I am very thankful to the Lord for opening the hearts of the director, administration, teachers, caregivers, and the children. Thank you for providing the finances to help make this ministry possible!

Please pray for more opportunities such as this, not only in Central Asia, but across the whole former Soviet Union. The needs are so great, and many are waiting to hear of Christ’s love!

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