When generous friends like you share generously at Christmastime through your prayers and support, it means SGA missionary pastors and church leaders across the former Soviet Union will receive love offerings that meet very practical needs — including buying clothes for their families, and food, medicine or other essentials.
A group of pastors in Belarus who were blessed this past holiday season wanted to say thank you for how you have helped show them Christ’s love. Here is their letter of heartfelt gratitude…
Dear friends, dear brothers and sisters!
We would like to express to you our heartfelt gratitude for your love and care for our missionaries. Thank you for your sacrificial hearts which is very encouraging and shows an example of real ministry to Christ.We have received Christmas gifts as missionaries of SGA, and it is huge and special blessing for our families. We feel through you a special care — and especially God’s care — through your love shown to us in Jesus Christ. It helps us in many hardships. Your gift is like a reminder of God’s grace and mercy for us. You have been cared of us through such gift for many years and we are so thankful to you.
It is sign that we are one body in Jesus Christ where one member serves unselfishly to other. It is example for us to open our hearts and wallets for needy people in Christ.
From the bottom of our hearts we thank you again.
Faithfully Yours and with prayers about you,
SGA Missionary Pastors
These grateful missionary pastors and leaders praise the Father for His Son as they gather to sing “Silent Night.”