My first call toward God happened in 2005. Our family was on holiday at the seaside, and there were very large waves. With my sisters, I jumped into them and suddenly, one of the large waves pulled us out to sea. I was the youngest in this group of children, and I saw that the shore was too far for me. I didn’t have the strength even to keep afloat, and I cried out, “Lord, save me! And I will serve You all my life!” Immediately, a large wave hit me and next thing I knew, I was near the shore. But two of my sisters died.
Despite this tragedy, it wasn’t long before I forgot my promise. I wanted to be like all young people around me and to do everything I liked. Yet it was painful to see how my parents were praying and crying for me. Then in 2010, the Lord knocked again at my heart. It was a rainy autumn day when I was sitting and reflecting on my life. I thought about eternity and how afraid I was to meet Jesus Christ because I do not deserve to be in heaven on the basis of my works. I got up and rode my bicycle to the place where my sister was buried. I prayed and repented toward God at her grave.
In 2011, I was baptized and considered how I might serve the Lord. Shortly afterward, a small orchestra of folk instruments was organized, and I joined them playing the flute. Before long, the leader of the orchestra got married and moved to another city. The Lord prompted me to accept the responsibility for this ministry, but I felt that I didn’t have enough knowledge.
My church sent me to study in the music program at Minsk Theological Seminary, where I have been enrolled since 2012. Today I am part of a church in Belarus and am involved in ministry. My father is the pastor, and we have about 50 members today. Thank you very much, dear brothers and sisters, who have sacrificed to support my education!