231103 Sga Insights From Michael Wordpress Preview 460x460 V1
Sep 24, 2018
Insight From Michael

On Many Fronts—the Gospel is Advancing!

I know that many of us here at SGA have observed that so much more is happening through our ministries than we have space to report in a monthly newsletter. And this issue of Good News Report is no different.

At the end of August, our summer camp season wound up after a fruitful season reaching thousands of children, and there are many testimonies that have come in. Preparations are full speed ahead for the Immanuel’s Child Christmas outreaches in just a few months even as we continue to rejoice for the spiritual harvest last year. Faithful missionary pastors are reaching men, women, and children at every opportunity and planting new churches. Teams from the churches are heading out into the war-shattered regions of eastern Ukraine with the love of Christ and humanitarian aid. It is truly amazing.

I hope you take some time to ponder over the story within this issue about how an elderly general in charge of a Russian prison still remembers the faith under fire of Christians during communist persecution. The love for Christ, godly conduct, and generous spirit left an indelible mark on him, and directly resulted in open doors for the churches to come in and minister to the hardened convicts in the prison. It is awe-inspiring to think of how God powerfully uses people to accomplish his purposes in a region most Americans have probably heard little of. But our Lord knows, and He is at work!

These are only a few glimpses at how your faithful, generous support and prayers are changing lives across the entire former Soviet Union. I cannot thank you enough, and pray that you will be blessed and edified as you read.

Michael Johnson President

Michael Johnson


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