Slavic Gospel Association launched the Reach Russia Now initiative in late 2016, focusing on the Far East. A vast, remote area, there is still a large number of people who have not heard the Gospel. SGA headquarters recently received an encouraging update from Mikhail, who serves in the developing aviation ministry in this huge, forbidding region. …
The village ministry continues, and we were able to take part in helping with children’s camps in three remote villages in this area. We typically started with the closest village, which is about a four-hour boat ride away. Then the following week, we moved to the next one located another hour and a half away. This is the first time the local churches here organized a children’s camp, and the opportunities are exciting!
Later this summer, we’ll continue up the river to villages that are more difficult to reach. In the process of helping the churches, we are hoping to get a better understanding of the people and their very difficult way of life in these isolated villages.
These are the types of places we hope to reach, but hopefully in an airplane — and we should be up and flying soon. That will be much more efficient. Those involved in village ministry love the idea of missionary aviation. Some have already experienced it and can’t wait to have it available on a regular basis!
Please continue to pray for Mikhail and his family as they continue to get settled in Far East Russia, as well as for the final certifications for flying. Pray that the Lord will continue to open doors for fruitful ministry and for sharing the good news of the Gospel from village to village.