Each October, SGA typically asks our partners to prayerfully consider helping us provide a special Christmas gift of $100 for the faithful, hardworking missionary pastors and their families. Also included are SGA-sponsored Orphans Reborn teams and other church workers who so selflessly give of their time and resources for the sake of the Gospel.
We are thankful to the Lord and to you for the way you responded for this year’s Christmas. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to provide more than 1,000 pastors and church workers with Christmas gifts! Here are a few excerpts from their letters of thanks . . .
We would like to express to you our heartfelt gratitude for your help in our families’ lives. We know of your prayers and desire to do all that is possible to meet our needs, as well as those needs in our ministries. We thank you especially for your prayers and material support. On behalf of all SGA missionaries here, we thank you for the Christmas gifts, and our hearts are filled with love and warmth through your sacrifice. We pray for you and ask the Lord to reward you hundredfold for our ministry to Him!
—from Belarus
Dear brothers and sisters, please accept our heartfelt gratitude for your care for us, and for your participation in our ministries. The Christmas gifts you sent us are a great encouragement and help for s, and for our families. We thank the Lord for you, and pray for God’s blessing with gratitude.
—from Central Asia